2017 Trip Recap / Stats:
Lily, SD - Chamberlain, SD - Storm Lake, IA
Lily, SD - Chamberlain, SD - Storm Lake, IA
- We hunted ducks for a total of 12 hours and killed 16 ducks.
- We hunted pheasants in Chamberlain for 8 hours (& spent another 8 driving to find hunting spots) & killed 1 pheasant.
- We hunted for 9 hours 15 min in Storm Lake, IA & killed 11 pheasants.
Individual shooting totals for the trip were:
Ducks: 27 shots, 10.5 ducks
Pheasants: 16 shots, 8 phez
Total: 43 shots, 18.5 birds (2.32 shots/bird - 43%)
Ducks: 28 shots, 6.5 ducks
Pheasants: 9 shots, 5 phez
Total: 37 shots, 11.5 birds (3.2 shots/bird - 31%)
0 shots, 0 kills, 1 point...
General thoughts: This trip has been by far the coldest we have taken since the December 2009 trip to Missouri. We now know the potential of Iowa for a future pheasant trip & this year solidified our thoughts that Lily is not the right place for duck hunting for us (combination of too much 'big' water & lack of ability to gain permission to hunt small potholes that were on private property). We're not sure where that leaves us for the future - but we have 12 months to figure that out. Both dogs hunted well & performed as expected. We missed Maggie, but found that the trip is very doable with 2 dogs... We all agree that we did a good job of making the best of the situations we were dealt (icy weather, poor SD pheasant hunting). We also feel like this was the first trip where our duck & pheasant results were comparable - OK for both, with some good days & some bad days for each. We successfully executed our pact to not get into a verbal altercation with one another this year... That makes it the first trip in 5 years! We seem to think that compartmentalizing the duck & pheasant hunting (vs. doing both every day) makes for a more restful, less hectic trip - but so would finding a central spot that good duck & pheasant hunting both nearby - reducing daily driving miles & scouting miles (after the first year). Maybe somewhere in NW Iowa is that magical place???