Saturday, November 5, 2022

2022 Wrap-up Post

 We finished the trip with 34 ducks & 2 pheasants in 7 mornings of ducks & 4 evenings of phez (90 min each).

We learned from Jerry after we arrived here that although they had a very wet spring, they’ve received no rainfall since the 4th of July. That resulted in very low water levels & a much lower pheasant population than normal.

The pheasant hunting was tough due to the combined factors of low bird numbers & us having dogs and people that couldn’t or didn’t really want-to hunt in the thick cattails. Moose was the only one voting for getting in the thick stuff… on a good note, we flushed a total of two roosters and connected on both of them!

For ducks, we ended with very good totals & know that it should be inflated by another 15 birds; had we shot better &/or made some better decisions. We definitely can’t complain, having had the ability to shoot limits 4 of our 7 days! Also on the positive side, all the ducks we shot after day1 were puddle ducks that were decoying or thinking of decoying. While not many actually gave us ‘feet down’ layup shots, it was the type of shooting on the type of ducks that we most prefer.

With the benefit of hindsight, we would have been better off to pack-up and head for Iowa after we finished our morning duck hunt on Thursday. That would have gotten us out of ND before the mercury plummeted & given us 2 full days in Iowa, providing much better opportunities for pheasants in cover that our older dogs would have been more well-suited to handle. Maybe we would have shot a couple ducks in IA, but considering that we only shot 1 in the last 2 days in ND, we wouldn’t be giving up much.

Currently, it’s 2pm CDT Sat & we expect to get to our respective homes Sunday around 12 noon EST for Dad/Dan & 5 for Bill.

Winnie was slower than she was in her prime (but aren’t we all!?) & a little slower than last year. She was extremely effective in the time she hunted, however the acreage she could cover was limited by her speed. Battling the dual forces of age (almost 13) & Cancer (she’s currently on a daily cocktail of chemo meds), she did extremely well! You could tell that she was excited & happy to get out and hunt each day & enjoyed getting to hold the 1 pheasant that we did kill for some photos!

Jax, at 10.5 yrs tired-out faster than his younger years & seemed to have a little trouble with depth perception (first day at Miller’s he consistently overran every mark). However, he was awesome that same morning at sitting quietly for 45 min watching ducks strafe us & sometimes land as little as 5 yds. from where he was sitting! He also hunted pheasants effectively until he grew tired (usually about 90 min). He retrieved ~ 19 ducks, most as marks, a couple as blinds & 1 pheasant. Jax didn’t have much trouble with the hotel floors (he didn’t like the kitchen, but carefully came in when it was feeding time), but he totally avoided the grass outside - he would only walk on the sidewalk… His 'manners' were much improved from last year: bird handling, breaking, etc. were a non-issue this year. 

Moose seemed to thoroughly enjoy the trip & did a great job, considering the limited amount of training (compared to GMHRs of the past) that we could pack into his first year of life (his 1st BD was 2 weeks ago). This was also his first hunting ever, so he did a fantastic job with all that considered, picking up all 11 ducks that we shot over him. He delivered everything to hand, though he did have a couple 'drops' to shake that we had to correct. Due to heavy cover and him not being able to see, we did have to resort to some rock throwing, since he doesn’t handle yet. He was very steady, with a couple instances of creeping when I put him in spots he couldn’t see. He hunted pheasants well, though had no bird contacts.

All in all, the 3 of us agree that this was a good trip & we’re glad we made it!

Driving home 

Jax only walks on the sidewalk

Smallest size shower we’ve ever seen…

Final Duck Day

 When we arrived at Miller’s this morning we found that the hole we made yesterday had totally refrozen. We broke it back open, but without the time or ability to remove the ice, it didn’t make a difference to the ducks. 

There were a couple groups that streaked by around first legal shooting time, but with no water open, they kept on going and we didn’t get any shots. After it got light, Dan went for a walk and found a ribbon of water open 50yds downstream from us, so we moved there. No birds flew for the next 40 min & just as we stood to leave, a single hen mallard came by and Dan blasted it. 

This gave Moose something to retrieve & kelp us from getting skunked, but we still left immediately to get packed & on the road home. We arrived back at the hotel at 10 & we’re on the road by 11:30,  after eating lunch, packing, & loading the truck.

Friday, November 4, 2022

Friday Day Off

With weather at 18degrees & the planned hunting spot an hour away, we decided to skip duck hunting this morning. The likelihood of ice (time/work/frustration that would go along with clearing it in the dark), combined with getting to bed late last night led us to sleep in today. Also a factor is that tomorrow is our last day hunting & then driving 24-28 hours - so we didn't want to be tired going into tomorrow...

Dan & I drove around this morning to look at local spots & were surprised to see Goven's pond only partially frozen. Everything else that size or smaller we saw was frozen, including the spot at Miller's we're hunting tomorrow. This led us to strap on our waders & walk out to clear ice from tomorrow's spot for 2+ hours. By the end of that, we're feeling very good about things for tomorrow, as long as things don't re-freeze overnight tonight. The forecast is for high of 46 today & only low of 28 tonight with 15mph wind, so fingers crossed that the hole we made stays liquid until tomorrow morning. 

We know that our spot is pretty good because a hen mallard dropped into it while we were still in there working on it!

Our plan was to hunt phez, clean birds, and pack today/tonight. However, we just amended that because it's windy enough that pheasant hunting would be futile this afternoon/evening. So, unfortunately, we finish the trip with only 2 pheasants shot in 4 nights of hunting (total of about 6 hours in the field).

We'll get yesterday's ducks cleaned & pack this afternoon/evening & get to bed early. Tomorrow's plan is to wrap-up hunting by 10 & be on the road by 12 or 1, arriving back home around dinner time on Sunday. For now, this is what our day looks like... Everybody getting some much-needed rest!

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Finally, Good Hunting Weather!

This morning it was around 30° with a 15–25 mph northwest wind. Throw in the significant cloud cover and you have a recipe for good duck hunting! We again sat on the tip of the island at the small Brekken pond, which had thick enough cover to break the wind as well as provide us with very good concealment.

We finish the day with 9 birds, seven of which we recovered, and should have easily added on three more to fill our limits. We had a couple situations of poor shooting and a couple instances of second-guessing the shot call that impacted our overall success. In total: Dan shot 4, we doubled on 4, Bill shot 1. 

Of our 9 birds, we shot: 1 teal, 2 shovelers, 2 hen mallards, & 4 gadwall. The two that we didn’t recover were wounded and swim to the far cover, far enough away that it didn’t make sense to disrupt the hunt by trying to get them at that time. At the end of the day Jackson and I took a walk through those cattails but didn’t quickly come up with anything. We were both cold and tired, so we didn’t spend too much time looking for them, when they were not readily found.

At one point this morning, we observed what appeared to be rainbows in the clouds on either side of the sun. Hopefully, the picture below does justice to how cool that looked.

With wind at 15-20mph, we elected not to hunt phez tonight. We drove (past McClusky) to scout our spot for ducks tomorrow morning & think/hope that the spot we picked will stay liquid overnight (temps expected to get down to19°).

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Pheasant Hunt at Wolf Creek WMA

We hunted Winnie and Jackson a little over an hour tonight but only managed to flush one hen pheasant. We saw a couple roosters along the dirt road on our drive in, but they flushed and flew away before we could get back to them.

Both dogs were good, though both got overheated and tired quickly due to the warm temperatures. The upside is less work to do tonight - no birds to clean…

We’re planning to grab dinner and watch some of the WS tonight and hoping for better hunting results tomorrow, with the weather changing in our favor. 

70° & Clear Skies

Not the best for duck hunting… but Dad is pretty comfortable!

We hunted the back pond at Goven’s until 9:45 and called it a day with 2 birds in the bag: a Shoveler shot by Dan & a Gadwall shot by Bill. We split up for part of the time & Dan had a couple shooting opportunities, but didn’t kill anything. He did manage to hit 1 duck, but not enough to kill it. Moose retrieved both birds with no problem and was a good boy through the morning. At one point, the action was so slow that he curled-up and fell asleep on his retriever stand. 

We’re heading to Wolf Creek WMA this afternoon for phez & planning to go back to the Brekken pond tomorrow for ducks. 


Tuesday, November 1, 2022

No (vember 1) Pheasants

We hunted the west edge of the Turtle Lake1 WPA from 5-6:30 with Winnie & Moose but found no roosters. We saw a few hens & had 1 of them in range (can’t shoot hens…), but no roosters. 

Win had a couple points and both dogs were birdy a few times, but nothing to show for it. We hit some cattails for about 30 min & (surprisingly) found no birds there as well. However, it was really good learning time for Moose, so still very worthwhile. 

Hopefully, we’ll have better luck (at a different spot) tomorrow.

Tuesday Good Ducks

We got to see quite a spectacle before legal shooting time today and had fairly steady action throughout the morning. We hunted the stream flowing through Jerry's property, but on the South side of Hwy41, on the property of Morris Miller (who was nice enough to give us permission to hunt there this week). We finished with a total of 11 ducks in the bag, 1 short of a two-man limit! We were finally set up and ready to go well before shooting time, and we were treated to a continuous stream of birds in our face for 30 minutes in the dark and in the pre-dawn gloam. 

On multiple occasions, we had birds so close we could have swatted them with our shotgun barrel & over a dozen landed in 1's & 2's within 5 yds of our seats in the brush.  Through all of that, Jackson was quiet and steady on his retriever stand. Very good boy...

We both shot very well, in large part because most of the shots we took were straightforward and routine. We ended the day with Bill shooting 4 birds (1 Drake Mallard, 2 Gadwall, 1 GW Teal), Dan shooting 5 birds (1 drake Mallard, 1 Shoveler, 3 GW Teal), and we doubled up on 2 birds (drake Mallard, GW Teal). Nothing was feet down landing in the decoys, but most were low & slow checking us out.

Jax retrieved 8 of the 11, with 2 coming while Dan was on his usual morning walk & 1 when we were walking at the end of the day to pick our spot to sit there next time (while Jax & Dad stayed to guard the decoys). 

We're planning to hunt this spot again either Thursday or Saturday. Tomorrow we'll be at Goven's again - same property (different pond) as we hunted on Saturday. We just finished lunch and have an hour until we head out for pheasants tonight.

Monday, October 31, 2022

Halloween Pheasants!

We hunted a public spot (large pond) on the S side of rt200 just W if Pickardville from 3-4:30. Jax & Winnie hunted together the whole time and we’re both great. We shot 2 roosters and recovered 1. The other one hit the ground running and neither dog could locate it…

Both dogs hunted for about 90 min before tiring. Weather is already warm (65degrees), so that didn’t help their stamina.

We secured permission from Morris Miller to hunt his property tomorrow morning & we're thinking we should be in good shape, as long as we get there in time to be set up on time!

Now heading to the Rusted Rail for dinner and hopefully to bed early - so we can be set up and ready to kill some ducks in the morning!

Good Spot, Little Late Getting There

 This morning, we hunted ducks on a small pond on the Lake Brekken property (pic below). We originally planned to hunt the bottom/right corner, but realized after we were in there that the water was shallow enough to walk to the (right) edge/point of the island. We adjusted our plan to sit there, but that cost us about 30 min of time & we weren't set up to hunt until well after legal shooting time. Of course there were ducks buzzing us the entire time we were setting up...

We finished the day with 3 ducks, but had we been ready on time, would have been 6-12 (limit). We also failed to shoot at a couple birds later in the morning because they surprised us & were out of range before we could shoot. Moose again did great, though I didn't have the ability (based on the terrain/cover) to sit him in a spot he could see the action very well. With him being only a year old (not yet handling), he needs to see the bird fall to know where to go get it. The solution was for me to have a pocket full of rocks & after the bird was down & he could move to a spot with line of sight, I'd throw the rock near the bird & he'd see the splash & go to it. 

The first bird (shot by both of us at the same time) did splash down where he could see enough to mark it himself & made quick work of a short retrieve. The other 2 required rock chucking & the farthest one may result in a trip for me to get Tommy John surgery. The good news is that with this workaround in place, he was able to get all the birds. Both Dan & I shot well today, essentially connecting with every shot we took - we just needed more birds to visit us! Our economics were good: in total, Dan expended 3 shells & I only used 2.

Weather for the next 2 days is going to be crazy warm (highs of 70!), so not sure what that will mean for our hunting. We'll have to wait & see...


Sunday, October 30, 2022

First night for Pheasants

 Tonight we hunted phez at/around Lake Brekken from 4:30-6:30. Moose hunted from 4:30-5 & then we added Winnie and they ran together until 6:30. Unfortunately, our only bird contact was a hen that Winnie found & pointed about an hour into the hunt. 

Pheasant hunting for Moose on this trip is mostly going to be introduction and training, as he’s never seen a pheasant before… for Winnie, it’s using all the skill and knowledge she’s gained over the past 12 years. She’s not moving fast anymore, but I’m comfortable that she more than makes up for that with her experience. 

Moose was happy we were next to a lake & took several opportunities to get a drink & get in a quick swim. Otherwise, he ranged-out too far sometimes, but responded well to whistles to shorten up & was getting the hang of quartering across all the guns. Winnie wasn’t at all happy to be left in the truck for the first 30 min, but hunted like a champ once it was her turn.

Sunday Duck (singular)

We ended our hunt this morning around 10:30 and brought home 1 Gadwall. Given the amount of shooting that occurred, I should be very busy tonight cleaning birds, instead of having only 1 to process. We were at a P.L.O.T.S. property just north of Turtle Lake, along Rt 200. It was a marshy area that provided nice cover, though we had to sit in the water all morning. Jackson enjoyed being on his retriever stand and staying dry...

Around 9am, with things being fairly slow, Dan got up to try to move some birds my way around 9 AM. That worked very well, except that I shot and missed 9 consecutive times. It reminded me very much of a summer league game in my college years when I threw 16 consecutive balls to start a game...

A little later, Dan joined the action and missed a single Mallard. We finally got on the board by both connecting simultaneously with a Gadwall that came to close (video below). Jackson made quick work of a simple, 10 yard retrieve.

We just finished lunch and will head out for some pheasant hunting in about an hour.

Jax is 10' from me, Dan is behind & to the left of Jax, Dad is hidden to Dan's right.

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Moose’s First Duck Hunt

 We moved pretty well early this morning and we’re ready to shoot five minutes after legal shooting time, not too bad considering everything we had to deal with on the drive here. We hunted at Goven‘s property in Turtle Lake, Without any scouting so it was a bit of a crapshoot.

We managed to bag five ducks (GW Teal, Bluebill, Bufflehead, & 2 Redheads) with Dan getting 4 of them because I wasn’t shooting and only handling Moose for the first few retrieves since it was his first time ever. It was odd at this spot to shoot so many divers- we usually shoot mostly puddle ducks here… Moose did a great job, was steady on all the birds, and he retrieved everything we sent him for. His day started with an easy 15 yard bluebill in the decoys, evolved to a couple 50+ yard splash downs, and ended with a trail through the cattails! He also got to deal with several ‘no-bird’ situations, as we did (astonishingly, I know!) miss a couple times.

We wrapped up around 10 AM and spent the remainder of the day scouting spots for the rest of the week. Water levels are lower than we expected, but we’re seeing a decent number of ducks and more pheasants than I remember ever seeing in the past. We are looking forward to getting out and chasing some ringnecks tomorrow afternoon after our morning duck hunt.

We just got the truck unpacked and are now heading out for some dinner. Hopefully tomorrow the normal trip cadence can begin and we should be able to post twice daily on most days.

2022 Trip - Starting a Bit Off Script

 We crossed into ND at 3:30am (Sat). We’re a couple hours behind schedule, but not bad considering…

We met in Pittsburgh on Thursday night and Winnie had a Chemo treatment and Bill had a customer meeting Fri am, with a plan to meet in Columbus to leave a vehicle there. So far, so good. The problem came during Bill’s drive to Columbus when the Check Engine Light appeared & was accompanied by several other warning lights, bad sounds from under the hood, & abnormal power when accelerating. We all met at Mark Wahlberg Chevrolet & they agreed to fix the Suburban while we’re away for a tidy sum of $4000 (something about lifters in the engine being blown…), provided there’s nothing else wrong when they go to make the repairs next week.

We were lucky to have good weather and light traffic, so we made up some time (without getting a speeding ticket, so far) & each got a little sleep in the backseat along the way. That delay put us behind schedule enough that we may or may not be ready to hunt by legal shooting time. It’s going to be close. Dad didn’t sleep much, so he’s electing to catch up on some sleep in the truck with Winnie and Jackson while we take Moose on his first duck hunt ever (no slow/easy introductions for him!). Weather is mild: 38 degrees, clear skies , light NW wind. Fingers crossed that the ducks know where to find us!