No pheasants killed is the report tonight.
We were at 4 different spots W & SW of Aberdeen. We didn't like the cover at the first place, so we didn't get out of the vehicle. At 2 other spots we scunted for 30 minutes each, producing no flushes of any kind.
We were at 4 different spots W & SW of Aberdeen. We didn't like the cover at the first place, so we didn't get out of the vehicle. At 2 other spots we scunted for 30 minutes each, producing no flushes of any kind.
Lastly, we went back to the Casanova GPA but had only 20 minutes of hunting light left when we arrived. During that 20 minutes, we saw a little over a half dozen wild flushes that were between 50 & 100 yards from us. We are not sure what caused these birds to flush like that, other than it's getting later into the season & any birds that have made it this long are very educated & weary. We did have 1 hen flush near us. It was 20-25 yards to the side of Winnie & in Dan's general vicinity. Although we are both getting a little trigger-happy, Dan identified it quickly enough as a hen to not shoot it. Jackson was birdy several times, but didn't produce any flushes.
While this was another day of less than stellar bird count, we're starting to chalk up this year to being in a new area & taking our lumps to learn that area. In doing that, we're taking more lumps then we're happy about - but that's the way goes sometimes. On a positive note, we're thinking that the Casanova GPA is a good spot to hunt. Given that we're getting late into the trip, and we would like to actually kill a few pheasants, we will probably go there the next 2 nights. We're planning to hit a pheasant spot along the route home on Saturday afternoon.
In the absence of any hunting pictures, here's a look at the dogs eating dinner. Winnie got to eat first, so she's watching the other 2. Both Maggie and Jax are looking a little too thin, so I upped their daily portions will continue that until we get home. Hopefully, I can fatten them back up & avoid the wrath of Jennifer & the boys for making them so skinny.
My baby is looking a bit thing!