Friday, November 11, 2016

Almost a Great Duck Hunt

This morning, we hunted the cut cornfield on the east edge of Lake Lily (where Scott watched several thousand mallards drop in to feed at dusk last night) from legal shooting time until 9 AM. Hunting with us was our landlord, Scott Karlson, and his dog Lottie. Since we knew Scott was bringing a dog, Jackson was our companion as to avoid the dog fight that would have been started by Maggie, had she been there... Lottie is a very lovable and energetic 11 month old yellow lab.

Scott secured permission from the landowner on the private ground we were hunting and also provided a trailer full of full body goose & duck decoys. Although we had a great spread & were expertly camouflaged in our layout blinds, we still didn't kill a single bird.

We think that a combination of warm temperatures lately and a nearly full moon last night was the reason that no ducks showed up to feed this morning.

Through the morning, we had only 4 mallards nearby, & just 2 of them being potential shooting opportunities. With nothing really flying, we cleaned up early and headed back to the house to begin packing for our return trip.

We got things about 90% packed and ate lunch before heading out to the Casanova GPA for pheasant hunting.

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