We got a late start from the house tonight and have just left our 1st travel stop in Columbus, OH. Unfortunately, we are already 6 minutes behind schedule! To remedy this, we will increase our driving speed from 70mph to 71 mph for the next 6 hours. Pshewww... Tragedy averted!! However, (for some odd reason) blogger has decided to stop keeping the app updated with iOS changes, so this is going to be a little more cumbersome this year, but we're trying to work around it. The latest weather reports tell us to expect unseasonably warm temperatures again this year, but we are still hoping for better results (for ducks) based on a stronger resident population in the area that we are hunting this year. 422 miles to our next stop in Knoxville, Illinois at 5:39am CST.
Sorry you got out of the house a little late, the sobbing 4 year old made it hard to leave. :(